In the spring of 2015, the American Bird Conservancy completed several studies of WindowAlert decals using flight tunnels and wild birds. These studied were overseen by a trained statistician and biologist, Glenn Phillips.
Wild birds were given a choice of flying down a flight tunnel with clear glass covering the departure point or flying down a flight tunnel with clear glass protected with WindowAlert decals at the departure point. The departure point in both tunnels was protected by a nearly invisible, tiny filament netting. This netting prevented birds from striking glass in either tunnel and so no birds were harmed during the study.
The results of the study were as follows:
WindowAlert square decals spaced 3.6” x 2” on clear glass with no background: 82% of birds chose flight tunnel without decals.
WindowAlert square decals spaced 3.6” x 2” on clear glass with dark background: 76% of birds chose flight tunnel without decals.
WindowAlert square decals spaced 2.5” x 2” on clear glass with no background: 97% of birds chose flight tunnel without decals.